Experiment No -13 To prepare and submit 100ml (500 ml) of 1.6% w/v sodium chloride hyper tonic injection I.P. | D Pharma hcp experiments

Experiment No -13 To prepare and submit 100ml (500 ml) of 1.6% w/v sodium chloride hyper tonic injection I.P. | D Pharma hcp experiments
experiments 13


1. What are paratonic solution 7

2. What is hypertonicity?

3. How transfusion fluids are made isotonic with blood plasma ?

 4. Name two tests to be complied for 1.6 % w/v Sodium Chloride hypertonic injection as per
I.P. 1996

5. State the pH of 1.6% w/v Sodium Chloride hypertonic injection as per I.P 1996

6 In what condition 1.6 % w/v Sodium Chloride hypertonic injection is injected ?

7. What is leaker test ?



Q .1 Ans -  paratonic solution are those which include both

hypertonic and hypotonic solution .Hypertonic are those in which call become brust to due to entry of water into cell. Hypohonie Solution are those in which cell become Shrink due to less of water form sell


 Q.2. Ans Hypertonic papers to a solution with higher osmotic pressure than another Solution. In other words, hypertonic  Solution  is one in which there is a greater concentration or number of solute particle out Side a membrane than there are inside it


Q 3. Ans crystalloid - The most commonly used crystallord fluid is normal Saline a Soin op sodium chloride at 0.9% concer -bration. which is close to the  concentration

in the Blood. They decrease asmotic press. -ure by dilleting the blood. Dextrose water. the soin Contain dextrose a form of gurease.


Q .7 Ans - leak Testing is the process of checking a system for leaks. Leak testing can be archived using various leak detection method and is employed to test for the defects in products and to ensure the proper fun and maintanance of industrial system and pipelines.