Experiment No 10 : To prepare and submit 100 ml (500ml) of compound sodium chloride injection I.P. (Ringers solution) | D Pharma Experiments

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Experiment No 10 : To prepare and submit 100 ml (500ml) of compound sodium chloride injection I.P. (Ringers solution)
experiment 10


1 What is the synonyhof Compound Sodium chloride intravenous infusion I.P ?

2 What is the composition of Ringer Solution?

3 Give the formula for 250 ml of Compound Sodium Chloride intravenous infusion IP ?

 4 Name two tests to be compiled for Compound Sodium Chloride intravenous infusion as per IP: 1996 

5 State the pH of Compound Sodium Chloride intravenous infusion as per LP 1996

6 Write the sterilization temperature and time of the sterilizing equipment, autoclave

7. Out of lag time sterilization hold time and cooling time, which time can not be modified by
operator of autoclave

8 Write the category of Compound Sodium Chloride intravenous infusion LP 7

9 What do you mean by sintering point ?

10 What are sintered glass filter .

11. Write to advantages of sintered glass filter

12 Write two disadvantages of sintered glass filter

13 Draw a well neat diagram of sintered glass filter .


( Answers)


Q 1 Ans Compound Sodium chloride intravenous

infusion I. P

Symonym -

Salt (Common salt) vinegar alkali, Saline etc..


Q 2 Ans - Composition of ringer solution -

-sodium chloride

-potassium chronide


- Lactoge

- calcium chloride

- sodium hydroxide.


Q 8. Ans Category of compound Sodium chloride intravenous I.P -

Irrigation Solution  pod, electrolyte external use fluid only.


Q 11. Ans - Advantages of sintered glass filters –

i)They give fliterate and Sterile Substance

1) which remove the Unwanted foreign particles ..